Book an Appointment

Appointments may be arranged by telephone on 020 8350 5000 or in person at the desk.

We also have a facility for booking online. Please note only advance routine appointments for a named doctor can be booked on line and you will need to pick up your personal access codes at reception. Please ring or visit the surgery for quick access appointments.

To book an appointment please sign in at Patient Access.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel the appointment using online access or by calling the practice on 020 8350 5000.


E-consult is an online platform that enables patients to consult their GP online as well as sourcing advice and guidance such as signposting to other health services self-help and symptom checking.  

If you are experiencing serious symptoms, you will be advised by eConsult to seek urgent medical care. Additionally, if you are experiencing emergencies, you will be advised to dial 999 or attend the emergency department.  

E-consults allows you to submit sick notes, prescriptions, admin queries or clinical queries. 

Please complete this online eConsult form and it will be picked up by one of our team members and actioned accordingly. Please note the turnover time is 2 working days.   


Pharmacies can advise you on minor illness without the need of you having to book an appointment with the surgery. Please contact your local pharmacy and speak with the pharmacist first if you are experiencing any of the below: 

  • Back Pain 
  • Cold sores  
  • Common cold 
  • Conjunctivitis 
  • Dandruff  
  • Diarrhoea  
  • Dry eyes  
  • Ear wax  
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Hay fever 
  • Haemorrhoids 
  • Headlice 
  • Indigestion and heartburn  
  • Mild irritant dermatitis 
  • Nappy/heat rash 
  • Neck pain  
  • Oral thrush 
  • Period pain
  • Ringworm/athletes foot 
  • Sore throat 
  • Sunburn  
  • Teething/Toothache 
  • Travel sickness 
  • Warts and verrucae 

If after seeking pharmacist help your symptoms do not resolve, please book an appointment with one of our healthcare professionals.  

Non-urgent advice: Having Problems?

Nurse and Health Care Assistant appointments cannot be booked over the internet.

We have an appointment system designed to offer quick access appointments within 24 hours to patients for all matters with a Duty Doctor. Unfortunately it is not possible to offer patients a choice of Doctor for quick access appointments as there may be more than one duty Doctor and you may be seen by any Doctor who is available at the time.

To plan our work, and so minimise waiting, it is important that all quick access or urgent appointments are received in the morning whenever possible. Requests for quick access appointments for routine problems received late in the day may be asked to attend the next day. All patients have the right to book a routine appointment with a preferred named Doctor in advance. Any registered patient has the right to book an appointment with a clinical member of staff whenever they require an appointment.

It is important that you let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment so staff can offer it to another patient. We do record “did not attend” where we are not informed in the medical records.

We are constantly reviewing our appointments system which deals with over 50,000 a year. We try to improve it but it also depends on your co-operation. Additionally, Patient Access provides information on a variety of medical conditions and self help groups.

Evening and Saturday Appointments