Polio Vaccination Locations
Please find below sites that are available for polio vaccinations:
St Leonard’s Hospital
St Leonard’s Hospital, Nuttall Street, N1 5LZ
Age groups: 5 to 9 years
Walk-in appointments: Yes
Appointment booking: Yes – book online for the St Leonard’s Hospital vaccination site
Opening times:
- Tuesday: 12.30pm to 6.30pm
- Thursday: 9.30am to 6.30pm
- Saturday: 9.30am to 6.30pm
Hornsey Central
Hornsey Central Neighbourhood Health Centre, 151 Park Road, N8 8JD
Age groups: 1 to 9 years
Walk-in appointments: Yes – check what to do before having the polio vaccination on the North Central London Integrated Care System website
Appointment booking: No
Opening times:
- Monday to Friday: 3pm to 7pm
- Saturday: 8am to 7pm