Worried about signs that could be cancer? Contact your GP practice | NHS

Discomfort or diarrhoea for three weeks or more, or blood in your pee – even just once, could be a […]

Lift someone out of loneliness

It’s ok to feel lonely sometimes.

Cancer Screenings for people with learning disabilities

A wonderful video on cancer screenings for people with learning disabilities – made for and by patients with learning disabilities – has […]

Polio Vaccination Locations

Please find below sites that are available for polio vaccinations:

Self-Referral for ENT conditions

Winchmore Hill – Over the last 6 months

Why are GP Practices still working differently?

Cardiovascular Risk Score (QRISK2) Patient Information Leaflet

Why have I been sent this leaflet? You are receiving this leaflet because you recently had a blood test to […]

Extra Appointments

There extra GP appointments in the evenings and at weekends are available to Enfield patients. Urgent and routine appointments with […]